Functional Game of Life part 1 (C#)

Written by Liam McLennan

I thought it might be interesting to solve the Conway’s Game of Life cellular automaton in a functional manner. Game of life is an interesting problem for experimentation because it is simple and well understood.

Where to Start?

I’ll start by defining a way to render the world. I want to start here because it is useful to have a nice way to visualise the state of the system, also it conveniently forces me to define my data model. I will model the system as a collection of living cells, each with X and Y coordinates (zero based). The living cells define the boundaries of the system. Dead cells are implicitly the cells within the system boundary that are not living. A system defined as:

new Cell(1,0), new Cell(0,1), new Cell(2,1), new Cell(7,16)

will produce the following output (living cells are darker):


To get to this I started with a test (using giv.n and nunit).

public class RenderingTests
    private List<Cell> _cells;
    private string _result;

    public void RenderASmallSystem()
        Th.n(() => ItShouldRenderDimensions(8, 17))
            .And(() => LivingCellCountIs(_cells.Count));

    private void ASmallSystem()
        _cells = new List<Cell> { new Cell(1,0), new Cell(0,1), new Cell(2,1), new Cell(7,16) };

    private void ItIsRendered()
        _result = GameOfLife.Render(_cells);

    private void ItShouldRenderDimensions(int x, int y)
        Assert.AreEqual(x*y, CountOccurances(_result,"<div"));

    private void LivingCellCountIs(int count)
        Assert.AreEqual(count, CountOccurances(_result,"on"));

    private static int CountOccurances(string source, string sub)
        return source.Select((c, i) => source.Substring(i)).Count(s => s.StartsWith(sub));

and the implementation so far:

public class GameOfLife
    public static string Render(List<Cell> cells)
        var largestX = cells.Max(c => c.X);
        var largestY = cells.Max(c => c.Y);
        Func<int,int,bool, string> buildCell = (x,y,on) => 
            string.Format("<div class=\"cell {2}\" style=\"left: {0}px; top: {1}px;\">&nbsp;</div>", 20 * (x+1), 20 * (y+1), @on ? "on" : "");

        var results = from x in Enumerable.Range(0, largestX+1)
                      from y in Enumerable.Range(0, largestY+1)
                      select buildCell(x, y, IsOn(cells, x, y));
        return string.Join("\n", results);

    private static bool IsOn(IEnumerable<Cell> cells, int x, int y)
        return cells.Any(c => c.X == x && c.Y == y);

public struct Cell
    public int X;
    public int Y;

    public Cell(int x, int y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;


The source for this article is in a public git repo, under the tag data-and-render.


The next post in this series will look at randomly seeding the system with living cells, so that the cellular evolution can be started.