
Written by Liam McLennan

This is a function that does some currying:

add = (a,b) ->
  if not b?
    return (c) ->
      c + a
  a + b

JavaScript provides the capability to reflect on the number of arguments:


and to determine how many arguments were provided:

add = (a,b) ->
  if arguments.length < add.length
    return (c) ->
      c + a
  a + b

so it seems like it should be possible to write a function that magically returns a function that requires the right number of arguments. So I could have a function:

f = (a,b,c,d,e,f) ->

if invoked with:


it should return:

(c,d,e,f) ->

anyone know how to do that?


Lots of good comments on the original gist