Usual disclaimer - I don’t know Haskell at all. What follows is my rambling experimentation with the Maybe
Haskell has a useful type called Maybe
. F# and probably most other functional languages have something similar. Even C# has NullableMaybe
is a parameterised or polymorphic type that represents that we possibly have a value of the type parameter. So Maybe Int
means maybe we have an Int
, maybe we don’t (ie we have Nothing).
Because Haskell doesn’t allow null
values we might use Maybe
for a function that returns its input if the input is a positive number.
giveIfEvan :: Int -> Maybe Int
giveIfEvan n = if n `mod` 2 == 0
then Just n
else Nothing
is a monad, which, to me, means primarily that it provides a function to convert from a Maybe
of some type to a Maybe
of some other type (>>= :: Maybe a -> Maybe b
Imagine I want a function that given a Maybe Int
adds 1 to the value (if there is a value). One terrible way to write this is:
addOne :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addOne n = if isJust n
then Just (fromJust n + 1)
else Nothing
or with pattern matching:
addOne :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addOne (Just a) = Just (a + 1)
addOne Nothing = Nothing
since Maybe
is a monad we can use do notation:
addOne n = do
v <- n
return (v + 1)
The benefit here is that addOne
handles the nothing case without an explicit conditional.
If you don’t mind using a lambda you can use the de-sugared version of do >>=
addOne n = n >>= \v -> return (v + 1)
Or instead of a lambda we could define an extra function:
increment :: Int -> Maybe Int
increment v = return (v + 1)
addOne :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addOne n = n >>= increment
Here is a complete program. Try changin the 8 to an odd number to see the nothing case.
import Data.Maybe
giveIfEvan :: Int -> Maybe Int
giveIfEvan n = if n `mod` 2 == 0
then Just n
else Nothing
addOne :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addOne n = do
v <- n
return (v + 1)
main = do
return (addOne $ giveIfEvan 8)