Fermat is a simple library for organising web states and generating urls. Tell it the possible states of your web ui, and how those states map to urls and it will give you a url generation function.
var fermat = require('../lib/fermat')({
'Inbox': '/inbox',
'Tag': '/tag/:tag',
'Calendar': '/calendar/:month/:day'
fermat('Calendar', {
month: 'march',
day: '14'
// /calendar/march/14
It works with require.js, node, browserify and smodules.
Run Tests
First you need mocha.
npm install -g mocha
$ npm test
and you should see something happy like
> fermat@1.0.0 test c:\work\fermat
> mocha
some states
V should generate url without route components
V should generate a url with a route component
V should generate a url with multiple route components
3 passing (17ms)